

Cooperation between Israel, Cyprus and Greece

Pick & Weiss Legal Offices
November 15, 2012
January 10, 2019

The Minister of Energy and Water in Israel, Dr. Uzi Landau, the Minister of Energy and Commerce of Cyprus, Mr. Naoklis Silikiotis and Greek Deputy Minister of Energy, Mr. Asimakis Papageorge negotiated the prospective establishment of a joint working group in the field of energy during the meeting that was held in Nicosia on 8th of November.

The Ministers agreed to create two working teams: the first will be in charge on building submarine power cable – between Israel and Cyprus to Greece and Europe; and the second team will work to establish the energy corridor connecting between the countries that will enable future gas exports from Israeli and Cypriot gas fields to Greece via a pipeline, LNG, or other technology.

The submarine power cable team supposed to hold its first meeting next month.

Our firm is following the developments in this area and is at your service to provide assistance and additional explanations.


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